Video Resume
Video Resume
Video Resume
About Us

Sprint Planning with Product Owner Trophenia Kinneard.

Guest speaker, Fred Leinweber, instructs the 3XStrong group on JIRA.
Development Team members Ceceille Palmer, Kimberly Scott and Pamela Terry.

Kimberly Scott also wore the Scrum Master hat.

Technical help from Jasmine Tsai.

Development team members Kimberly Scott and Ceceille Palmer.

Nick Jule with Improving stopped by.

Jen Blatz with Fidelity provided an overview of User Experience, UX.
Thank You
3TimesSTRONG would like to express gratitude for the experience and knowledge gained by learning the Agile way and doing Scrum. The Agile for Patriots program is a unique way of learning a new concept, for this, we say a BIG thank you to Ravi Verma and Greg Gomel, as well as the other members of the Agile for Patriots team for having the vision and the courage to extend themselves to helping veterans. Thank you as well to the Allies in Service team who made the connection and ensured we were informed every step of the way.
Special thank you to our coaches Trophenia Kineard and Jasmine Tsai who are amazingly talented and innovative in guiding us to stay on track and in keeping with the Scrum concepts. We enjoyed our daily interactions which gave us a sense of mentorship and community.
Our days continued to be enriched by the many guest coaches and speakers who popped in to deliver and discuss their experience using Scrum, offering us invaluable information and learning about the concept and the industry.
The program continues to be a success because of partnerships with super companies such as SmoothApps and Improving. Improving offered us a welcoming and inviting place to meet every day. Special thanks to Don McGreal and Bob Dobson (Improving) and William Davidson (Toyota Connected) who taught us Agile and Scrum from foundation to graduation.
Lastly, the 3TimesStrong team thanks each member for staying the course and being committed to delivering releasable increment at the end of each Sprint.
Thank you all!